BBC Sport | Tennis | UK Edition

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Keys to Success

As most people readily realize, everything you do in life is directly determined in success by how you approach it. This means if you are willing to approach a situation with an open mind and a bit of self-confidence in yourself, you are going to be much more likely to succeed than someone who approaches with a grudge, attitude or just lack of self-confidence. At the same time if you are trying to learn a new skill you are not going to set out with self-confidence so you need to learn some things to help you readily adjust to the things that you encounter.

These same principals apply to tennis as well. What may seem overly complicated with a bit of patience and self-confidence can become readily manageable. However, if you do not approach the game with some self-confidence you are likely to fail. This is true of anything that you do, even if it is something other than tennis. The final result of your performance is altered based upon your own personal approach and there are several things that you can do to improve your overall approach and ensure that you are having the best experience possible.

Approach the sport with an open mind and embrace it. If you just half attempt the sport then you will increase the chances of getting hurt, decrease your chances of success and wish you had never picked up a tennis racquet. If you approach with a positive mindset, you are going to put yourself in a much better position to be successful, regardless of how long you have been playing. A player who approaches the court in a good mood and with a positive mindset is going to be much more likely to have a good game than someone who is in a bad mood.

Accept that mistakes will happen. Even those players who are professionals make mistakes, which is part of life in general. Accept this fact and take your mistakes as a chance to learn a lesson. If you discover that you are making a mistake in your timing for swinging the racquet, take that as a chance to improve your timing. If you take everything that you do wrong as an opportunity to improve, rather than as a failure you will be able to really improve your overall outlook. To make you feel better, remember that even the best players are going to have days when they play horribly, make mistakes and just do not want to be on the court.

For those who have been playing a lot it is also important to avoid burn out. This can strike any sport, hobby, job, career or activity. If you do nothing but play tennis every waking moment that you are awake, you are going to be running straight into a burn out in no time at all. Rather than do this to yourself ensure that you take a break at times to go shopping, hang out with friends and even just sit around on the couch acting lazy and watching television. This will allow you to come back to the tennis court with a fresh mind and ready to play again. The time that you spend away from the court in these circumstances can be just as valuable as the time you spend on the court.

You should also realize that each player has their own particular style. What works best for your coach may not be what works best for you. While you should take your coaches advice, you need to ensure that you are doing what is comfortable for you. For example, your racquet, shoes and clothing need to be fitted for you and your needs, rather than what your coach can comfortably use. If you take the time to do things your own style, you will be able to really develop your skills. Never just try to completely copy another player, even if it is your coach.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Different Types Of Tennis Balls

Who ever knew that there was a lot of decisions involved in picking out a tennis ball? After all, they are green or yellow and fuzzy. The biggest decision that you would think you should have to make is picking the color that you want to use. Yet there is actually so much more that people generally do not think about. This is an amazing discovery to most people, because honestly a ball is just a ball right? Of course a ball is a ball, but at the same time you could not play tennis very effectively if you were trying to use a basketball or even a football and vice versa. This has created the need to have specific balls that are specifically designed for the sport you are playing.

The differences in the types of places that you can play tennis has also made it very necessary to take the time to really go in and ensure that you have the right balls for the type of playing that you do. For example, there are two primary types of balls. This is aside from the slight differences in color; the difference tends to lie in how the balls are constructed. There are pressurized balls and those that are pressureless. The difference is inside of the ball, for example, pressurized balls are filled with either air or sometimes nitrogen inside. However, pressureless balls are just a solid core that has no air or gas inside.

The primary benefit is often the costs, if you are just beginning to play then the pressurized balls are generally much cheaper, however they tend to lose their bounce as the air escapes slowly about a month after they are opened. This means that after a while you will need to replace them, pressureless balls on the other hand do not lose their bounce, but after a while the fuzzy felt that provides some friction when playing will wear off. This means that they will still need to be replaced, however they can be used much longer before needing to be replaced.

Now that we have covered that you are feeling as if you are a tennis ball expert, however, there are still something’s that you need to know. For example, each pack of tennis balls is clearly marked with a label that says either High Altitude, Extra Duty or even Regular Duty. The difference in the balls at this point will have a huge impact upon the actual way that they play while you are using them. Using the wrong ball at the wrong time can create a bit of a problem, however choosing the right ball is important.

The first type is the High Altitude; these are designed to be used in places that are very high above sea level. The pressure inside of the ball has been adjusted to provide the optimal bounce at a level of approximately 4,000 feet or higher above sea level. This type of ball would be highly inappropriate for use in a tennis court that is deep inside a valley or anywhere else that is not high above sea level.

Another type is the Extra Duty; these balls are designed to be a bit more durable than Regular Duty. The primary purpose of an Extra Duty ball is to be used on tennis courts that are grass or even asphalt. They tend to hold up much better against the very tough surfaces and ensure that even on a grass surface you can get the bounce that you need to be able to play effectively.

The last type of ball is the Regular Duty ball; these are designed to be used primarily on surfaces such as indoor tennis courts and even those that are made from clay. Typically, these balls are designed for the majority of players to get used. It is important to realize that if you do play tennis on a hard surface or even grass tennis court with a regular duty ball that you will be lucky to get a single game or two of use from the ball before it is necessary to replace them.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Choosing the Perfect Tennis Shoes

As you can imagine tennis is a very high impact sport, this alone creates a huge need for a good pair of highly appropriate shoes that are designed to last a long time and ensure that you have the durability as well as comfort that you need. If the shoes that you choose are not good for your skills then you are going to be looking at very sore feet and legs, potential problems with your back, a less than stellar game and massive discomfort. This is simply not acceptable during the middle of a match. You do not want to be uncomfortable so the need to have a good pair of sturdy shoes is greatly important.

You should first always ensure that you know the exact size of your foot. This is not a case of guessing that your size is approximately an eight is good enough. You need to know the exact size, without this information you could purchase the wrong size, which could cause your feet to be pinched, or could cause blisters if the shoes are too large. If you are not positive on the shoe size that you wear you need to see a professional at the shoe store to determine your shoe size before you do anything else.

Your next step is to determine what type of foot you have. The three major types are ideal, pronated and supinated. Depending on the exact type of your foot, your choice of shoes will be impacted. Not all shoes are suitable for all feet types. If you have a supinated foot then you should not pick out a pair of shoes that are designed for the ideal foot type. You need to know exactly how you stand on your foot in order to know the type of feet that you have. An ideal foot would wear the shoes evenly all across the bottom. Someone with a supinated foot would wear the shoes on the outside heavily, while the inside of the shoe was virtually untouched. A pronated foot would wear heavily the inside of the foot and often the arch area is badly worn as well. A pronated foot typically has a much higher risk of injury so having the proper shoes is not a luxury but a requirement.

Once you have determined shoe size and foot type you can then move onto finding the shoes that are most suitable for you based upon style and comfort level. Many tennis players decide to wear a particular brand of shoe and only wear that brand. This often happens simply because they find a brand that fits their foot well. You should always stick to the brands that fit well before you start looking at new brands simply because you know how well the brand will perform.

If you can afford to purchase them, you should also look to purchase brand name tennis shoes. While a lesser known brand is the perfect opportunity to save some money, they are not likely to be as comfortable nor last as long, which will ultimately make them a very poor decision. Tennis is a sport where you are on your feet the entire time you are playing; this combined with the sudden movements means that shoes is not an area where you should be pinching pennies.

You also need to look for a pair of shoes that provides a great amount of lateral support. This is what will help prevent your ankle from twisting as you run back and forth sideways across the court. If your shoes offer no lateral support, you are increasing the risk of a sprained or twisted ankle. Always ensure that you have plenty of lateral support before you purchase the shoes.

Your last consideration should be finding a pair of shoes that are lightweight. Remember you will be moving quickly across the court so you need to ensure that you have plenty of energy, heavy shoes will weight you down and make it quite difficult to move as fast as you need to move. However, a good sturdy pair of lightweight shoes that provide ample cushioning and lateral support will be your best investment.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Could You Teach Tennis?

If you have ever considered yourself a stellar tennis player you may have had the idea of teaching tennis cross your mind. The freedom and flexibility that this provides can be almost unmatched and it also provides a great excuse to play more tennis. If you thoroughly enjoy the sport then this is the perfect thing to seriously consider. However, before you go jumping into a new career there are some things that you should take into consideration to ensure that it is a good match for you and your personal goals in life.

The first consideration is do you really like tennis. Some people simply tolerate tennis; if this is you then teaching tennis may not be the best idea. Someone who is successful at tennis absolutely loves it and there are few things that they would rather be doing than play tennis. This love is part of what drives the most successful instructors and it is also what has been known to produce the best coaches at the higher levels. Ensuring that you love tennis is a great first step because as a teacher you will need to practice yourself, plus spend time on the court teaching others.

You should also consider your people skills. While a teacher certainly does not need to win a popularity contest based upon their individual style it is important that they at least know how to successfully talk to people. Having good people skills will ensure that not only can you teach people, but you can also gain the trust of people as well. Someone is not going to be likely to pay for an instructor whom they dislike. It is important to treat people well in order to have students who return after the first lesson. Of course you could always have poor people skills and still attempt at teaching; however you are not likely to be very successful, have few good references and also have problems with students returning after the initial lesson.

You are also going to need to look into the certification process to become a certified teacher. This may seem frivolous if you only plan to teach occasionally, but it shows that you are dedicated to teaching the proper methods rather than simply turning someone loose on the tennis court with a racquet and a few balls. By being a certified teacher you can command higher rates for your time, plus you show your perspective students that you care before they have even met you.

The final thing you need to consider before taking on a new career is exactly what your skill level is. If you are just a beginner at tennis yourself then it is impossible for you to teach someone else. This means you are going to have to wait on your career change until you have the skills necessary to really successfully teach someone else. If you are a highly skilled player then this is not a concern for you, but the old saying of the blind leading the blind is never good. Especially in the situation where someone is paying you to teach them a skill, if you do not have all of the techniques mastered yourself you will not be able to teach someone else. If you are at least an advanced player you generally have enough skill, there is no reason to not teach just because you are not a professional tennis player.

Learning Tennis Online

With the internet becoming a much more iatrical part of many people’s lives it is only natural that people turn to the internet more and more to learn things. This includes even learning about sports, but can you really learn tennis online? Is it a good method or just a waste of time and money overall? What are the benefits and is it really worth your time or would you be better off finding an instructor in your local area to teach you? For the vast majority of people, the internet contains a wealth of valuable information. However, one of the biggest problems is you need to ensure that you are trying to learn something that is capable of being taught online. For example, you can learn about scoring, terminology and even find tips on tennis but you are generally not going to find anything that allows you to learn tennis from beginning skill level to advanced player. You are also not going to find anything that can replace the value of hiring a good quality instructor to help teach you. However, with this in mind there are occasions when the internet can help you improve your skills even if they cannot teach you everything that you need to know. For example, if you know where to look you can find plenty of books that will help you troubleshoot some of the problems that you are having in your game style. Whether you are needing to improve accuracy, power or even control you can get a plethora of tips from a book that you have found online which will ensure that you have plenty of ways to improve your game. When combined with the information that an instructor gives you this can be quite helpful. Additionally, looking around online for the information, you need about terminology and scoring as well as rules can be a very wise decision. This will allow you to focus your time with an instructor on actual playing, rather than learning the more mundane aspects of the game. If you are having to pay your instructor for a vocabulary lesson, you will quickly see the benefits of using the internet to do vocabulary on your own time rather than paying the instructor to help you with it. One of the biggest parts of tennis is your mental approach to the game. If you look around online, there are thousands of books that are designed to help you turn yourself into a mental monster. You can train your mind to block out distractions, fine-tune your skills and overall improve your game if you are patient. Using the internet for this skill alone can be very helpful, especially since the internet is full of suggestions on how to improve your mental preparation for a good game of tennis. While you can learn how to improve your tennis skills on the internet, realizing that you cannot actually learn tennis online is important. Many people simply do not realize that you cannot replace a physical human instructor with a computer. However, since a computer cannot correct your swing, nor tell you how to stand for the optimal power in your swing you will be able to quickly see why having a real instructor is quite so vital in order to be truly successful. Learning ahead of time that you cannot learn tennis entirely online is important. Keeping your expectations reasonable is very important. Yet the internet can help you improve your game as long as you are working with a good instructor. From giving you some new drills, to advice on how to prepare for a tournament to even how you can psych out the competition the internet is packed with plenty of information that can be very helpful to you. Learning exactly what you are doing is essential in order to know how to improve and using the tools that are available to you to your benefit is important.

Tournament For Beginners

If you have decided that you want to try your hand at a few tournaments you are likely to be looking at a very long and hard road ahead of you. While a tournament can be a lot of fun, it can also be a huge hassle if you do not approach it with the right mindset and fully prepared both mentally and physically. However, if you are prepared then a tournament can be a great learning experience for you. Always get a good night’s sleep before the tournament. Never try to play in a tournament after you have only gotten 2 or 3 hours of sleep. You increase the risk of getting hurt badly if you are overly tired and you really run the risk of making numerous mistakes. All of this compounded together will result in a very bad experience with a tournament. Pack your bag for the tournament the night before. At the wee hours of the morning, you really do not want to be searching around your room looking for your tennis racquet. If you pack your bag the night before then you are setting yourself up to be successful. However, searching around for items that you need will have you leaving the house thoroughly stressed out and ready to rip your hair out before you even arrive at the tournament. Eat a good breakfast high in carbohydrates. This will allow you to have plenty of energy to ensure that you can play a good game. If you skip over breakfast, you are going to be more concerned with your empty stomach rather than playing the best game possible. If you are going to be at the tournament all day, you also need to ensure that you take a couple of healthy snacks along as well. This will allow you to keep your energy level up and make sure that you can concentrate on the important aspects of the game. Always act self-confident. If you look as if you are scared, you are going to be more likely to make mistakes. Realize that you need some experience with competitions and playing against new players in order to really boost your mental strength. If you are not looking confident then your opponent may be successful in psyching you out which can really harm your game. If you act and look confident then you are going to be much more likely to scare or worry your opponent, which will automatically give you the upper hand. You should also take the time to prepare your outfit at least a day before the tournament. If something can go wrong it will, this means that your cute little dog will run off with your socks, shorts or even chew on your shoes. Preparing ahead of time would ensure that you have an extra pair of shoes on hand in case this comes up and have ensured that all of your clothes are put up in a safe place where you will not have to worry about them becoming the dog’s favorite chew toy. Remember, being prepared will allow you to really boost your confidence, after all there is nothing worse than losing a match before you even start playing because you freaked out over a small problem. As a final preparation, you should ensure that you spend some time practicing the day before the tournament. This will allow you to practice your skills and ensure that you have mastered your killer backhand before you show it off to everyone at the competition. If you are able to practice the morning of the competition even better, but be careful not to overdo the early morning practice. You need your strength and energy for the competition itself. Always ensure that you have p

Tennis Basics Explained

Tennis if you have ever stopped to consider what it is can be called a fairly basic sport. Because of this virtually anyone can learn how to play successfully, the hard part is the physical aspect. In terms of how the game is actually played, there are some basic guidelines that will allow you to play successfully without feeling as if you are lost. Even if you are not interested in playing but merely watching, having an idea about what is going on and why will give you a much better understanding of the game overall. The first thing to know is that tennis involves playing with at least 2 people, sometimes 4 if you are playing doubles and the equipment that is used is a tennis ball, tennis racquet and a tennis court. For each individual player there is also tennis shoes and of course suitable tennis clothes. Otherwise, there is no other equipment that is needed. This makes it a sport that is fairly light to play, unlike football, which has a large amount of heavy equipment that is involved as well. The tennis court that is used must be a regulation court. This ensures that the overall size and maintenance are all the same so that games are not lost or won based upon the position of a player on a court. The net goes in the center of the court and on each side there is a service line that runs parallel to the net. Further back on the outer edge of the court there is another set of parallel lines with one on each side of the net, this is called the baseline. This is typically where players start playing. Along the side of the court are lines that mark the outer edges, and these edges are called the alleys. It is important to understand the difference between singles and doubles now. In singles tennis the alley is out of bounds and when a ball hits the alley it is immediately out. However, in doubles tennis the alley is allowed to be used without a penalty. This as you can imagine can cause a much different result in a doubles game than in a singles game. To actually start the tame once you have at least two players you would need to serve the ball. To serve the ball successfully you would be required to serve the ball into the other player’s side of the court and hit the service box on their side. The service box is a small box on the left hand side of the court for each player. There is a service box on each side and regardless of which player is serving the box must be hit during the initial serve. Obviously, the ball should not just land in the service box, but it must bounce in the service box at least once in order for the serve to be considered good. Otherwise the serve must be repeated. Once the ball has successfully hit the service box, it is then the aspect of tennis that most people recognize. That is the ball is to be hit back and forth across the tennis court until a player fails to hit the ball back across, or it hits the alley in a singles tennis match. In order to score points you must not hit the ball into the alley and you must always hit the ball when it comes to you. If you fail to hit the ball and your opponent has always hit it then you will not gain a point but they will. Each time the ball is missed, it will need to be reserved, and for each time it is served the players will take turns serving. This will allow both players to server equally during the game. This is obviously the condensed version, which does not take into account specific scoring or even specific scoring strategies, but it gives you a good basic foundation of exactly how tennis is played successfully.